Bringing her coffee to her lips, Julijeane, originally from a small village in Auvergne, presents herself as a guitarist, singer and composer who holds her love for music from her dad. It is the latter, bassist in a hard rock band, who teaches her the guitar. And at 11, she already knows how to play it. Ukulele and bass are added to her list of instruments as she plays.
In 2020, she recorded an EP*, in the “After you my friend studio” in Moulins. Composed with her first four compositions, it was also the first time she had ever recorded. In her different songs, she speaks about topics that matter to her such as mental disorders, the fact we have to enjoy life or anxiety. Her Ep release motivates her to really think about a musical career.
This world isn’t quite easy to reach and Julijeane is truly aware of it.
“Many say, especially in an academic environment, that music isn’t a profession and that would lead to nothing.”
The young woman from Auvergne says she follows a performing arts degree to cover her back, in case she would not succeed in making music her main activity.
“I think we have to believe in our dreams anyway and not listen to those who tell you it is impossible to reach it”.
Fortunately for our dear singer, some believe in her, and her talent. During a concert, she met her current boyfriend, who’s one of her biggest supporters. She also made the acquaintance of a photographer who marked her significantly.
“He said that he believed in me and that there were a whole bunch of things I could achieve in my life”, she reminds herself, with nostalgia. “It was a short moment, it must have lasted about 5 minutes, and I haven't kept in touch with him since. Yet, there has been this light-up. It is in these moments that I think to myself it is truly what I want to do.”
“I remind myself of another concert in which a woman said I had the same voice as Joan Baez, this is really the best compliment I had ever received.”
As for her parents, they seem quite worried for her: her dream is hard to reach and the path to achieve it is still blurry. They are nonetheless really proud, and support her in her life choices.
“My dad would have made music his job, so I think he is happy that I carry on his dream for him.”
She explains she’s doing the maximum of concerts possible, particularly in summertime. Really present in Allier, she tries to export herself in Puy-De-Dôme and all around Auvergne. Projects are not missing, and one of them is a clip release about one of her songs, entitled ‘To the most beautiful flower I’ve ever seen’. She wrote this song recalling someone who really left a print for her, and that she regards as one of the most beautiful person she had ever met. A splendid present which will surely please this mysterious individual.
Adopting both a dreamy and resolute mood, Julijeane wears a slight smile.
“I’ve not quite taken in what I have already accomplished, and I think there’s still a lot more to do. But I love what I do, and in my opinion, I’m on the right path to make my dream come true.”
* In between the album and the single, an EP is composed with 4 to 6 tracks.
Interview of Julijeane Etienne, 18 yo.
Youtube : Julijeane
Instagram : julijeane_insta