About us
Why Oneiros ?
In Greek mythology, Oneiros personifies dreams and wishes. Like bees, we want to “pollonise” minds so that passions, dreams, wishes take seed from the youngests to the eldests. Our collectors collect events, stories, life paths, journeys, and anecdotes throughout cities and villages so that we can share them later to as many people as possible.
Who are we ?
Oneiros company has the ambition to gather several topics in a global project of creations and productions such as art and culture, the social and the sharing, dreams and imaginary, sciences… Every action, event and opportunity set up by Oneiros is orchestrated around common values like the sharing of experiences, skills, journeys or the doing together by its community.
"L'arbre" Oneiros
Vous pouvez voir Oneiros comme un arbre, dont les racines puisent dans l'intelligence collective, et qui grandit pour former plusieurs branches. Chaque branche est indépendante des autres, en ayant son propre domaine et ses objectifs, mais chaque branche est aussi connecté aux autres, exactement...comme pour un arbre.
Comme Oneiros n'en est qu'à ses début, nous concentrons nos effort branche par branche, ainsi, la première à voir le jour est "Silence On Rêve", les autres pousseront petit-à-petit...